Is it possible to buy AAPL stock without holding a brokerage account?

In upcoming days,the stock market accoutres are showing more interest in buying AAPL stocks. In recent days we might see the interesting headlines that hold FB is declaring war against AAPL. This makes up the fair question about stock exchanges. We all know that every company is trying to increase the revenue of their company. When the company value increases, then the number of shares given to the investors will also increase. In the past three days, the stock which trades under the ticker AAPL has just below 129 as it’s per share. From the start of 2020, it is now almost the end of the year until now AAPL stock has returned a very impressive of more than 70 percent.

In between the market share at first, we did see a double top rejection at 125, and that becomes the reason for the trend line. In this situation, AAPL has announced their upcoming iPhone 12 series, which creates a great demand among buyers’ side. This caused the stock to back up into trend lines. And now we are at the exact price resistance of 128 for each share. By evaluating the current situation when bulls end up winning, we can expect more than a thing which would happen. First, it may shoot up and potentially get rejected at the trend line, or else it would break it down above that and make a test of ever reach the limit of 138 for each share. In the case of the bear, the camp ends up winning the war. We can see 125.

There are two different levels of bearish divergence while checking out the chart. Even though the stock price increase, the RSI didn’t. After this, RSI dropped down, and now it gets equal to the regular chart. This is because the divergence is commonly followed by a decline or at least a period of consolidation. If you think sooner, the shares will increase until it happens or reaching the average cost, and you should wait and sell those shares.

Even in these pandemic situations, without any type of issue, online marketing moves on. Another benefit in buying AAPL stock is that if you do not want to hold your share when you sold out your AAPL share, then you will get few commissions. Still, some sites suggest AAPL stock be given first preference while comparing to Tesla. In less than two processes, investors can able to buy their shares that means according to the cost they hold in their hand or else the market price. Typically, most people who do not have many holdings in their hand would buy shares at a limited price. You can check its cash flow at before investing.

Disclaimer: The analysis information is for reference only and does not constitute an investment recommendation.